Car Wash Stickers in Cambodia

23 July 2011

In the United States, most car dealers affix a label or medallion on each car they sell, a simple advertisement of their dealership.  In Cambodia, the practice is different.  One can see some dealer stickers but they are from car dealers in the United States who made the original sale—most cars here are imported used cars—like this one from "Team Toyota" in Tallahassee, Florida.  Instead of advertising labels for the dealers, here the custom is to plaster a label on a car from the car wash that the owner frequents.  Washing cars and motorcycles is a big deal here.  Maybe it's the idea that it takes a long time and a lot of money to get a vehicle so you can be sure it's going to be kept clean.  Most owners can be seen each morning using a feather duster on their car to get the night's accumulation of dust off, and the car washes do a regular business. Dealer sticker on car

Car wash sticker
Car wash sticker
Car wash sticker
Car wash sticker
Car wash sticker
Car wash sticker

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